
I saw this today and I feel the need to add my $.02: Zacarias Moussaoui, the only man brought to trial in the US for the 9/11 hijackings, was sentenced to life in prison today. He will be spending the rest of his life, with no possiblity of parole, in the Adminstrative Maximum (ADMAX or Supermax) part of the US Prisons Complex in Florence, Colorado. Now, I know many people out there are angry that Moussaoui isn't getting the death sentence; that the American taxpayer will be supporting him the rest of his life; that the punishment should fit the crime. What I say to them is: we took away from him the most important thing in his life. Not only will he be in a cell 23 hours a day for the rest of his life, but he will never, NEVER get to martyr himself for his "cause." His "glorious" fiery death that would have killed hundreds or thousands of Americans will never happen; he will rot on a concrete slab for the rest of his days and die as nothing more than a footnote to the turning point of the early 21st century. This, combined with the fact that Americans have shown that we're not out for blood but for justice, will serve as proof that we can take the moral high ground if we choose to. We can do the right thing when we need to. I only hope the future sees more of this kind of thing.


Myrtle Beach, SC - So on vaca with the girlfriend and fam... having a good time. MB is much more fun when you're old enough to drink. Last time I was here, it was on a band trip in '97... what a horrible trip. Alligator Adventure, which is as underwhlmingly exciting as it sounds, was one of our first stops then. This time: avoided it completely. We did, however, go back to the Myrtle Beach Grand Prix. Amanda and I got there right at opening time and had the place to ourselves... it was cool. I set the fastest time for the Grand Prix... I know, it's hard not to be impressed, but please do your best. Tonight we're going to Dixie Stampede for dinner. Apparently, it's like Medieval Times, except rodeo themed. I can't wait. Yeah, having a good time tho...

John, Amanda's nephew, is having fun. Today, we walked up to the beach and he got very excited when he saw the ocean... he shouted "There it is!" like he expected it to be gone or something... it was cute. I've got some good photos, but I can't seem to get them off the camera right now, and I have to go to dinner... I'll post them later.

"Vacation used to be a luxury, however, in today's world, it has become a necessity."
