
What a shitty week. Car show at the Javits center, OMFG. Around 4 AM today, when the Teamsters told me I couldn't load my truck until 8 AM, the blog entry I was writing in my head went something like this: Fuck the Javits. Fuck the Teamsters. Fuck New York City. I hate it all.

Now, if you know me, you know I'm a strong supporter of Unions. I feel that collective bargaining is a right, that sometimes the only way for the working man to be able to defend himself and not be taken advantage of by those who employ him is to get together in a group and force a change. It's the American way, despite what some people would have you think (Declaration of Independence, anyone?) But this week was a shining example of what happens when that right is taken advantage of and abused. I'm not going to get too deep into details, but let's just say that some people are too comfortable in their jobs and need to be reminded that their purpose is not to screw their employer at every chance, but to help the customer. Because if people stopped doing shows at the Javits center, they wouldn't have a job. And if there was an alternative, people wouldn't do shows at the Javits.

On to complaint #2: driving. Rush hour. Suck my testes, world. I hate everyone. Why is it that people need to stop when they come over a hill and suddenly the sun is shining in their face? You're traveling east, jerk, put the sun visor down. Go to CVS and spend the $5 on a pair of sunglasses instead of that pint of Haagen Daaz that your fat ass doesn't need anyway. AND STOP READING THE GODDAM PAPER IN TRAFFIC AND DRIVE!!!! The next broad I see putting on makeup on Route 3 is going to get beaten. Then shot, then beaten some more, and finally dumped in the swamp. Oh, and if there's an accident, or if someone gets pulled over for speeding, DON'T STOP TO LOOK!!! I can't emphasize this one enough: keep fucking driving. Especially if the police and fire and ambulance is ALREADY THERE. There's nothing more you can do, and if it's your grandma that plowed across 3 lanes of traffic and ran that soccer mom off the road, then you'll find out about it soon enough. There's nothing you can do here, so move the fuck on. And I'm not even going to get started on the cell phones, because that ground is so worn down you can see the lava flowing.

Well, I guess I should start on my taxes. I'm sure that will precipitate another wonderful rant, one that might even get the attention of the US Government, that group of assholes. Dan Savage, who writes the online sex column that gave us the wonderful term santorum, has started a movement called ITMFA. ITMFA is an acronym for Impeach The Mother Fucker Already. Now, while I can certainly agree with the sentiment, and would not mind seeing Emperor Shrub brought up on cahrges, I have one little, tiny, eensey problem with all that: President Cheney. That's right, if W. gets impeached, DICK CHENEY becomes PRESIDENT. Not that it really would make a difference, because he pretty much does the job now as it is, but there's still something so very very wrong about it. I don't know, kind of like I expect the seas to run red and the sky to become as dark as sack cloth and other biblical book of Revelations kind of shit to happen. I must be the only person to feel this way, because the site has gotten a pretty big response and Congress is actually looking into impeachment proceedings (for the second straight administration!). I don't know.

So here I will leave you with some pictures and a quote:

Safe hazards, on the other hand, you can keep to yourself.

This is Jack Johnson. No, really. He said he's been drinking Ovaltine.

This week's sign of the Apocalypse: appparently, some of you still haven't gotten the memo that Mrs. Federline is, in fact, certified 100% white trash. Please make a note of this, and get this crap off the news. Thank you.

And now, a quote:

Those whom the Gods would destroy, they first call promising.
Cyril Connolly (1903 - 1974)
, Enemies of Promise (1938)

And this one needed to be included too:

Intimacy is what makes a marriage, not a ceremony, not a piece of paper from the state.
Kathleen Norris

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