
Sorry there hasn't been a new post in a while. I've been busy, back and forth to CT and upstate NY, not much time for sitting down and screwing around on the internet. Right now, I'm in Mohegan Sun Arena doing rehearsals for Don Omar. Yeah, I've never heard of him either, but apparently he's very big on the riggatoni scene, or something like that. All I know is, the music sounds very angry, and it's all in Spanish. And there you go.

So I promised a blurb about the Ian Anderson gig from hell, and here it is:

Last week, I went to this town called Torrington, CT, and brought lights for Ian Anderson, who is sometimes mistaken for Jethro Tull, but is, in fact, not. We arrived in town the night before, and checked into our hotel, the Yankee Pedlar Inn. It was a quaint little place, with real keys for the doors, beds that must have been the height of comfort back in 1963, and a 1' step up into the bathroom, which Brett, our truck driver, found out about at 4 am. So we get to the gig at about 8:30 am, load in starts at 9. We dump the truck and already I can tell it's going to be a long day. The crew was mostly young guys, not really experienced, and, well, kinda slow. I really shouldn'’t have been surprised when the "“rigger"” said to me "“So, how do you want to rig this?"” What did surprise me was when the house crew chief said "They told me you were bringing a rigger." Exsqueeze me? Baking powder? No. I don'’t think so. So who wound up hanging the points? Yup. Got yelled at for it, too...… liability. Yeah, so whatever. What was I supposed to do, stand around with my thumb up my butt all morning and wait? Harrumph.T'’anks fer nuttin. Finally, after a few phone calls, it was decided we could eat what the tour was eating. Gee, hope we didn'’t put you out too much. About half way through dinner, one of the PA'’s comes running in looking for the production manager. Apparently, the guitar player had just been hit by a car. According to Brett, who was walking into the hotel as the guitar player came running out, he just ran into the street without looking and wound up riding the hood of a sedan for about a dozen feet before being thrown off. He was ok, and the show went on, but it was just a perfect thing to happen on such a fun day.
So now let me tell you some more about my new favorite state in the Union, Connecticut. Apparently, up here, it'’s illegal to serve someone 2 drinks at the same time. So, say you wanted a shot of whiskey with your beer. Nope. Not happening. You can'’t even buy a shot. You can buy the liquor straight up, but you can't buy an actual "“shot." I guess boilermakers aren'’t real popular here. Plus, you have to finish your beer before they can serve you the whiskey. What an absolutely stupid law. And the only place it'’s enforced? Yupers: Mohegan Sun casino. Which wouldn'’t be a problem, except for the fact that everything else in this wonderful Valhalla of a state closes at 10:30!!!!Sons of motherless goats! And I can'’t even get the damn internet here: there'’s no wireless at our lovely two star hotel, and the wireless in the arena is turned off. They keep telling us it's on, but somehow nobody can get the signal. Funny thing that. And I think the trough they'’re feeding us out of is making me ill: I haven't had an appetite for 2 days now. This place sucks. I'’m going home now.

Here'’s a pic of the emergency release handle from the trunk of our rental car. I just think it's really funny that the little guy is jumping out of the trunk. I have to wonder what people like Tony Soprano would think of these. Do they remove them from the car? That would be a good gag for a gangster movie

"I have not lost my mind - it's backed up on disk somewhere."

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