Something that occurred to me as I was driving home last night: there is no such thing as a bad gig, only a bad attitude. Don't know why that popped into my brain, but it made alot of sense, and it's been bouncing around in there ever since. Hopefully it'll stick somewhere.
I guess that's all. Between Jamie's wedding next week, and trying to get Interpol back on the road (9/7-10/23!) life's been non stop the past week or so... I hate to say it, but I can't wait to be back on the road so that things will slow down!
I saw this awning when I was in Kentucky. I didn't know this was such an issue down there. Maybe they need a ribbon thingy that celebrities can wear at award shows to look "hip"...
Oh, one more thing: guess what I did!
" Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy. "
-- Frank Sinatra