
I just saw this: Obama to Take First Foreign Trip as President to Canada.
I hate to break it to you, FOX News, but Canada doesn't count as a foreign trip. Sorry, try again.

In other news, I saw this on Gizmodo today:

Blendtec, eat your heart out. Make sure you check out the one where they shred the Dodge Daytona. Oh yeah.

And in case any of you still harbored thoughts that art was created on Broadway, I give you Thriller. I was almost excited at first. I saw a headline, Zombies On Broadway?, and I thought "Really? That would be AWESOME!" Then it occurred to me, that if it was on Broadway, then there would be lots of singing and dancing and other things that just don't belong in a zombie movie. Not that Thriller isn't cool, but it's nowhere near as cool as, say, Day of the Dead. But when I saw that they were going to take what was a cool 15 minute video and turn it into a Broadway musical, visions of The Times They Are A-Changin' danced in my head. I mean, is this really necessary? Can we get through life without a Michael Jackson musical? Please? Or can we at least have a Michael Jackson musical with a dancing, singing mouse that's his only real friend? Oh, wait, I just spoiled the plot for you. Sorry.

"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead."
Charles Bukowski (1920 - 1994),

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