
Today in stupid protests: Facebook users wage condom campaign against Pope. That's right. A bunch of rocket surgeons on Facebook have decided to start sending condoms to the Pope, in protest of his statement that condoms do not prevent HIV. That is just brilliant. Hey, dumbasses, I've got a better idea: if you feel so strongly about it, why don't you send the condoms to AFRICA where they might actually use the damn thing. Popatine is just going to throw them in the trash, and what good does that do anyone? Hmm? You're not going to change his mind, I promise you. You're fighting centuries of dogma and repression. These people used to flagellate themselves for impure thoughts (some still do). Do you really think that sending a few thousand condoms their way is going to change their minds?

So here you go, jerks. If you're so interested in preventing AIDS in Africa, go here. Mercy Corps will take all those condoms you want to waste on a pointless protest, and put them to good use. 60,000 is alot of rubbers, and I'm sure they'll take 'em. And stop being so stupid.

Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped."
Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

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