
So. I just realized that it's been two months since I've written. Fun flies when you're having time.

This will be short, as I'm writing this on my phone, and it's a pain in the butt. I've been meaning to write, but there's just so much going on. Amanda and I have started looking to buy a house. It's very frustrating. What we want and what we can afford are in two different universes, and compromise doesn't seem like it will be easy. Between that and the barrage of festivals that always happen this time of year, there hasn't been much time.

I'm sitting in Madison Square Garden right now, waiting for this stupid radio show to start (MEGA 97.9!!!) and it occurs to me that I've spent so much time in arenas that I no longer notice the smell of stale beer and popcorn. It's got to be 50 degrees in here, and the ice isn't even down.

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