
Well, sorry if I've been kinda quiet lately, gang, I just don't seem to have much to discuss. Work's been slowing down, though I did do Aerosmith at the Beacon theater last weekend. That was interesting. Stephen Tyler is a pretty cool guy, though I didn't actually meet him, or any of the other band members. But I did watch their sound check, and he was just as cracked out during that as he is during shows and other public performance type things, so it's probably safe to say that it's not a character but the way he really is. One of the weird things about the show is that it's one of the last before the Beacon closes for 2 years for reconstruction. They're apparently tearing the place apart and rebuilding it, which is definitely a good thing.

So what else? I dunno. Jingle Ball is coming up this week, as is Brancato Christmas. I'm looking forward to that last bit. For those of you out there not related or in the know (I don't think you really exist, but hey...) my Father's family gets together on the Saturday before Christmas to celebrate and do all that stuf that most people do on Dec. 25th. It just makes life a little easier and allows us to kinda remove an extra stress of travel on the 25th, as well as extending the holiday by a little bit. It's nice to be able to sit down and actually hang out with your family without having to worry about when do we have to be at the in-laws house and who's showing up for dessert and who's not. I know that this weekend's not technically the Saturday immediately before Christmas, but I think that having both halves of my family together at my parent's house in the space of 3 days is more Christmas than anyone can handle.

Something else I want to turn you guys on to: Woot.com. This site is AWESOME! Ok, well, it's great if you're a dork like me. They sell gadgets and random crap for really low prices. The catch is that they only do one item a day, and once it sells out, it's gone. They update at 11:59pm Central time (12:59 EST) every day. So don't be late! Or else you might miss it. Well, that's not entirely true. Most items are usually still available by 8 am, but occasionally there's something REALLY cool, and those go fast. There's also Wine.Woot.com which sells one type of wine each week... good stuff, usually. SO go check it out, and buy stuff in the next Woot-off! OK.

Last but not least, I've found a really fun and interesting diversion the last few days: typing random strings into Google Images. It's interesting to see what comes up: stuff like this, and this, and this. Oh yeah, and this. So go ahead, give it a try. Just be warned that there's some weird stuf out there on the 'net.

"Look at how those legs go all the way up and make an ass out of themselves."
Stephen Tyler (1948 - )


Anonymous said...

Woot rocks! I bought some cool stuff on their woot-off. My other favorite place to check out is Tanga.com. Another deal a day site that I check out every day. Their daily fun puzzles are hideous!

Anonymous said...

I should have told you about Woot when I was first turned onto it about 4 months ago.

Is DJ coming to Brancto Xmas? Its always an added treat when I get to see him.