
Well. Today we have reached a totally new level of stupid. I don't know how many of you have heard about this Chocolate Jesus controversy, but it's beyond ludicrous. To summarize, the Roger Smith Lab Gallery in Manhattan was scheduled to display a sculpture of Jesus Christ on the cross this week for two hours every day. The sculpture was done by a man named Cosimo Cavallaro, an artist known mostly for working in food. Now, these tiny brained morons at the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights have decided that two things about this sculpture "offend" them: 1. the fact that Christ is depicted nude, and 2. the fact that it's "brown" chocolate and not white. I have the perfect solution to this problem, really. We take everyone who's offended by this display, send them to a remote part of Pennsylvania, and remove them from the breeding pool with extreme prejudice. Seriously. If you're too stupid to realize that a. Christ was probably brown skinned, and b. odds are he was hung on that cross naked, cuz that's the way Romans did things; then get out of the pool; your ideas and beliefs are no longer needed in society, thank you for playing, and enjoy your time in hell.

I think my favorite part of this whole thing is that these people claim to be fighting for "Civil Rights" (it's in the name!). Well, what about freedom of speech? I think that's the first one, isn't it? Where is Mr. Cavallaro's freedom of speech? Where's his freedom to express himself? From the Catholic League's own website "When the religious freedom rights of any American are threatened, the Catholic League stands ready to fight for justice in the courts." Well, boys, put your money where your mouth is. Maybe, just maybe, if you narrow minded jerks took a minute to LOOK at the piece of artwork before judging it, you might actually like it. But, no, you're the same idiots who think that Michelangelo's David or Botticelli's Birth of Venus is obscene. You thing that the human form is gross and disgusting, yet your own holy scripture says that we were created in the form of God. I think Mayor Bloomberg (who I'm not usually quick to agree with) hit the nail right on the head this time. He said "If you want to give the guy some publicity, talk more about it, make a big fuss. If you want to really hurt him, don't pay attention." Well, it's time to make a fuss. You can contact the Roger Smith Gallery here. Let them know how stupid this whole thing is, and that this display should be shown, because if you let one group constantly dictate what kind of art we show in this country, then we're really no better than Soviet Russia or Red China. Just because this is a religious group and not the state makes it no better.

Please don't take this rant to be anti-Catholic. While my views on religion and Catholicism may have bled into this a little, this is mostly anti-Stupid. These people have reached a new level of stupid, and they're using their religious beliefs as an excuse for it. If I was a practicing Catholic, I would be EXTREMELY offended by it, because people like these are the ones who give Catholics and Christians and religious people in general a bad name. They're called zealots, and will continue in their stupidity and ignorance until the more moderate of us do something about it. What can you do? Join these organizations. Make your voice heard. Moderation can only come from within. If your elected representatives know that these blowhards don't represent you, that they're just a small group of ignorant people with big mouths, then we can avoid situations like this one. Otherwise, we might as well all go live in Iran.

"Don't be sweet, lest you be eaten up; don't be bitter, lest you be spewed out."
Jewish Proverb
"What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your mouth.

Jewish Proverb

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