This blurry little image here is a practical joke we played on the boss (Mike, the owner of the lighting company, not Dane. His bags don't even get here until 5.) That's his suitcase dangling from one of the lighting trusses. 45' in the air. That old gag.

Saved the best for last: none of us had ever seen this watermelon soda they had in catering today. A few of us tried it, and it wasn't bad. Kind of bland yet sweet, just like watermelon. At 50 grams of sugar (first 3 ingredients: carbonated water, sugar, corn syrup), we're all battling diabetic comas right now. For comparison, Coca-Cola has 39 grams of sugar per can. So, yeah, my pancreas is on overdrive for the rest of the day.
Here's the thing, tho: look at that picture. Have you ever seen a more racist soda can? I mean, we can't watch The Little Rascals, but we can put this soda in stores? Where's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and Bill Cosby now? This can't be allowed to go on!
Oh, one more stray observation: we're at the Phillips Arena in Atlanta today (which may explain the soda, BTW). The Atlanta Thrashers (NHL) and Hawks (NBA) play here, and both have several banners up in the rafters. But the one that stands out?
"Famous I don't know about. It's hard to be famous and alive. I just want to play music every day and hear someone say, 'Thanks, that was great, here's some money, same time tomorrow, okay?'"