
Minneapolis today. Woo hoo. Old Man Bill and I went over to Famous Dave's BBQ's outdoor blues festival after load in. It was pretty cool. We got there as Big Daddy Cade's tribute to B.B. King went on. They were really good, but we didn't stay long because the sound guy didn't seem to notice that the Hammond organ was WAY too loud, so every time an organ solo started, we got blasted with sound.On the way over to Famous Dave's, we walked past the biggest Target in the world (I don't know this for a fact, but it was three storeys and a city block long, so I'd say it's a good guess). We also saw a group protesting Scientology. They were wearing Guy Fawkes masks and chanting about brain washing... I don't understand why Scientology is any worse than, say, Christianity, or Judaism, or Islam, or Buddhism. But these guys were committed.

The other cool thing that we saw was this statue of Mary Tyler Moore, in the famous pose from the opening credits of her TV show. All I can say is: don't throw your hat up in the air, 'cause what might land is a Frigidaire.

Finally, I'd like to note that we've been playing alot of NBA arenas lately. We can tell because the showers are all 10' in the air. Taking a shower using one of these is kind of like getting spit on from the top of a building: there's almost no water pressure coming out. And good luck if the giant that used it before you moved the head, cuz now you have to go half way across the room to get wet. I now understand what it feels like to be a midget.

"I've just been handed a bulletin: "You have something on your front tooth!""
Ted Knight (1923 - 1986), as Ted Baxter, The Mary Tyler Moore Show

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