
Ok, so I know this is two in one day, but I don't care. This morning's was just some filler to keep all you readers out there in cyberspace (both of you) interested. And, yes, I didn't use "blogosphere", because I think that term is stupid.

So when I got home tonight, I pulled the mail out of the box and noticed that there was one magazine and a whole lot of junk mail mixed in with my bills. The question that ran through my mind is this: Why hasn't Ed McMahon sent me a letter telling me that I've won $1 million? I mean, I get all these bills and applications for credit cards, and while it makes me feel warm and squishy to be pre-approved, it's not the same as having already won $1 million. C'mon Ed, I could use that money. You're slacking, and I don't like it. Get on the ball!

I think we should start a campaign. If we all take just a few minutes a day, starting right now, and write Ed a nice email about how I need that $1 million, and he should get off his fat duff and write me the check, then I'm sure he could only ignore us for a few years before he gets the message. And I'd even give you guys a share. Wouldn't that be swell? So click here to send Ed that email, and keep sending 'em, every day, until I get that check, 'k? 'K.

Photoshop is a terrible thing.

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people he gave it to."
Dorothy Parker (1893 - 1967)
Almost forgot: The aforementioned magazine was PLSN, and there's an article about the Poison tour BML-Blackbird sent out this summer. Nice work, guys.

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