
So I saw two things yesterday that disturbed me greatly. One is quite silly, and the other is deadly serious. I'm really not sure which one to start with, but I guess silly will have to be it.

Yesterday I saw the trailer for Rocky Balboa. You might know this film as Rocky 6. That's right, V then I. S-I-X. For those of you who don't watch ESPN continuously, 24/7 (which is most of you), you might be saying "But, he's got to be 70 by now! How can Sly seriously expect us to believe that this guy is going to get in the ring and fight a man 1/2 his age, and not die? Especially after they made such a big deal about his dain bramage in the last film?" Well, view the trailer here. But don't say I didn't warn you: it's ridiculous.

The second thing that's disturbing me is all this press about this National Intelligence Estimate that's just been released by the Bushies. Basically, the document says that the Secretary of Defense commissioned a study 3 years ago to find out if we were winning the war on terror, then buried the results when they were not what he wanted to hear. And what did they say? America's war on terror is inspiring Islamic fundamentalism. Really. Wow. If any of you people out there reading this found that last bit of information to be a revelation, a surprise, or just plain incomprehensible, please, do us all a favor and have yourself STERILIZED! Then go lock yourself in a cabin somewhere in Montana or West Virginia or in whatever backward place you live and don't come out. EVER. And certainly not to vote.

I mean, come on. That was THE major argument of the Iraq war: fighting this war will not make us safer. And they knew it. And did it anyway. We now have paper evidence of this. If this was any other country in the world, the people would have taken to the streets and strung these leaders up by their naughty bits, but instead we sit and watch Monday night football and holler about our ex-President going on TV and berating reporters for not doing their jobs. Well someone has to do it, jerk. And good for him.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why you gotta go bringing monday night football into this?