
So I'm having a little bit of trouble sleeping tonight, and I'll tell you why. A person that I thought was my friend, a person to whom I looked up as a mentor and respected as a colleague has decided that he wants to flame me in his little forum on Roadie.net. That's fine. It's his space, and he's allowed to say what he wants.

It's bothering me, however, because much of what he says is not only untrue, but outright libel. That's right, it's vicious, hurtful, and serves only to make me seem incompetent and petulant. While I admit that I did post in his space, and I'm sorry if it hurt his feelings; I would like to remind him that it is a public forum designed so that anyone may post. I would hope he would keep this in mind before threatening to have me kicked off of the website.

So, you might ask yourself, what is Mikey going to do about this?

I'm going to take the high ground. While I have barrels of gasoline that I can throw on this fire, I won't. It's not worth it. I've known this person for long enough to know that when he says stuff like this, you can't listen. You can't take it personally. Except that this time, he has made it personal. I may be able to forgive him, but I can never forget it. There are some things that just can't be taken back once they're said, and I only hope that I have enough self restraint to not say the myriad of things that have gone through my head in the last few hours the next time I see him.

"The way to procure insults is to submit to them: a man meets with no more respect than he exacts."
William Hazlitt (1778 - 1830)
"In the beginner's mind there are many possibilities. In the expert's mind there are few."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it is good that you have a space to air your thoughts . and yes i know that reading this is going to be very painfull for you because of the lack of gramer but rember if you poke the old dog with a stick they will bite you or at least start yelling for their coffee so when the crazy driver comes up on the rear of your car slow down and let them pass only to see them down the road pulled over by the police mike it was great working wiht you i had alot of fun and you taught me that moving lights really suck and hope we can do it again .