
Hey kids. Sorry there hasn't been a post in a while (like 2 months) but I figured you were all busy with holidays and the like, so I haven't posted. (then again, I could just be lazy and not writing, and just how busy can you be if you're reading this boring crap. Get back to work, SLACKER!) So anyways, just a quickie to let you know I haven't forgotten my faithful readers (both of you). Chew on this for a while: Big Brother has arrived, and is being welcomed with open arms by residents! That's right, Old Georgie O' only missed it by 23 years, but they are watching, and crime is down 56%! So are personal freedoms, but hey, you weren't using them anyway... More on this later, as I need to get to work now...

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."
George Orwell (1903 - 1950), "1984", first sentence

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