
So, as many of you know, President Bush yesterday was nearly shoed by an irate Iraqi reporter. In case you've been in a cave for the last 24 hours, here's the video:

Now, I can't really say I disagree with the guy. He was pissed about all the people that have died since the US invaded. I really hope that he gets a fair trial and a fair punishment. While I have to agree that he does have a right to freedom of speech and expression, that does not include violence against another living thing (even if said living thing was George W. Bush.)

Having said that, I just want to know one thing: where the hell was the Secret Service? Why was nobody flying across that lectern to take a shoe for the President? The prime minister of Iraq was doing more to protect the guy then his own body guards were. What's up, fellas? Just because Georgie gave up on being President 18 months ago doesn't mean you can too. If Hollywood has taught me anything, it's that every Secret Service agent wants nothing more than to take a bullet for the POTUS. So why not a shoe? Not dignified enough? BTW, nice moves Georgie. Good to see you're keeping fit.

In a related story, some of you may know that I got laid off last week. This is allegedly a temporary "hiccup" (their word, not mine) and should be over some time around February. We'll see. In the mean time, I urge you to keep up the letters to Ed McMahon. I figure, if I can get that million dollars between now and Feb., I won't have to go back. It could happen to me!

On the plus side, I'll now have all kinds of time to blog. Arent' you lucky!

"In all recorded history there has not been one economist who has had to worry about where the next meal would come from."

Peter Drucker (1909 - 2005)

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