
The Great San Fran Suck. What a crappy day. We loaded in to this convention center today and it SUCKED! The roof couldn't hold more than about 1,000 lbs, so the truss had to be ground supporded, and of course that means reinventing the wheel. It's not that bad, I guess, it just meant that we really had to work today, instead of the nice easy days we've been having in theatres with fly systems...

Of course, no sooner do we get the downstage truss built than the Hum heads (sound guys) decide that the truss tower is in the way of their speaker stack, so we have to move it. Since there's really nowhere to move it TO, we wind up deciding to hang it from the ceiling. Of course, this is 3 hours after we've told the truck driver "No, we won't need that rigging, so go ahead and put it on the truck and drive far, far away!" Fortunately, the house had enough rigging on hand to handle the job. But what a ball of suck!

Ah well... travel day tomorrow, then it's Portland, OR. Gonna have a few drinks tonite, that's fer sure...

Looks pretty. Looks can be decieving.

The band soundchecks. Lighting by Mother Nature. With a little help from Lucas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mike,

Doesn't anyone ever comment on your blog? Do you think anyone ever reads it? Glad you're having a good time and occasionally working hard...

Same old same old here at CCBC; we've got The Children's Hour opening next week; realistic interior, believe it or not. Got a good bunch of kids---5 tech majors; 4 working in the shop. Also got the fiber optic star drop. Sweet....Used it in Scrooge. The current Theatre Tech screwed up the scrollers right before Scrooge opened; finally got them fixed this semester--you can imagine how happy I was.......

Dance show is next up after Spring Break; Chris will be stage managing. He said I can call him Daddy...

Me and Melanie are up to 6 furry kids now; the last adopted us in November....cats are like potato chips-you can't have just one.....

oh well, guess I should get back to work....

Take care, be safe!
