
So, here I am, backstage at the Nokia Theatre on 47th and Broadway in New York City, waiting for The New Pornographers to go onstage. I really don't know, exactly, why I have this sudden urge to start a weblog, but I figure it's a good way to keep in touch and to put my thoughts down once in a while; even though I know I'll probably update this for a few weeks and then forget all about it. Ah well. SO, here I am, waiting. I've been on tour with Belle and Sebastian for about a week now, and I'm enjoying it.
Blondie (Heart of Glass) is on the PA right now, and I just focused in on the bass line: solid. Man, I am bored. So, two nights here, and then it's on to Philly, PA. Can't wait. Ok, well, maybe I can. I mean, living on a bus with 11 other guys is kind of an adventure and all, and it's almost like being back in college again, with all the drinking and BSing going on, but it still doesn't compare to sleeping in my own bed with my girlfriend, knamean?
Hm, so, now that I've bored you with this little tidbit of my life, I'm going to go do something more interesting with mine. Maybe next post will have a pic or something from the show or bus or something... I dunno. I feel I should leave off with some kind of quote or inspirational bit or something, but I'm not sure what to use...

Well, my computer just took a big fat dump and won’t let me post at this time, so I’m finishing this thing up in Word, hoping that I can post it later. Anyways, here’s my quote, a little something from one of the strangest and most talented men to ever work in the entertainment industry…

If there hadn't been women we'd still be squatting in a cave eating raw meat, because we made civilization in order to impress our girlfriends.
Orson Welles

Everybody denies I am a genius - but nobody ever called me one!
Orson Welles

{Editors note: this post was originally typed at 8PM on March 2, 2006. It should have posted then. However, the wireless decided to take the night off, and didn't tell anyone, so it had to wait until now. Bastards.}

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