
Well, here we are at the Marriott West in Denver, Co. We left O'Hare at 1 and arrived at the hotel at 4 local time, so not too bad, I guess. Except for the flight, which was the longest 2 hour flight EVER. First off, my seat back would not return to the "upright and locked position," so I kept leaning back. It was very uncomfortable. To say the least. Then there was the hoople-head behind me who didn't shut up the whole time (thank god for head phones). From the moment we got on the plane until the stewardess (sorry, flight attendant) gave us the ok to use our approved electronic devices, all I heard about was how his seat belt didn't fit and he needed an extender and that's never happened before and how could this happen now, he hasn't gained any weight, so how does this happen now? Maybe it's cuz your fat butt needs to stop watching the ball game now and then, get up off the couch and and maybe go DO something other than eat at the $6.95 buffet at the Golden Skillet. Maybe try Jenny Craig or something. SO, the airport sucked. We played the dead rock star game on the way to the hotel: basically, the idea is to keep naming dead rock stars until you can't think of any more. It's one of those games where you start off fast, but run into a block quickly... very interesting.

On the way to the hotel, we saw this sign:
Welcome to Colorado! Shouldn't that sign read: "Correctional Facility Do Not Stop." ?

Uncle DJ came to the show last night, which was really cool. He came early and we went to dinner, then met up with his neighbor, John, and his brother-in-law Ron (yeah, I know). They really enjoyed the show, which was great to hear. I was just happy to see Uncle D and hang out with him: it seems like I almost never get the chance.

Billy and I wandered around the Colorado Mills mall for about 3 hours today: it's a huge mall. It's not unlike the one that Fifi, Noel, Dietz and I did the opening for last September. Same developer. But it was good that I went, because I finally got the battery for my phone replaced. I dropped it in a puddle a few months ago, and since then the battery dies after about 10 minutes of talking, even if I just took it off the charger. So I got the new one, we'll see how it works. The coolest part, however, is that they had a custom T-shirt shop there. So I finally bought the shirt that I've been talking about for a few years now: I know, hold back your excitement... here it comes...

Yeah, I know. You can't help but feel awed by the coolness of knowing yours truly. It's ok. I might even let you touch it the next time you see me...

"To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)


Ugh... beat. Just got into the hotel about 30 mins ago. After an 18 hr drive from Scranton, Pa to Green Bay, Wi. About 10 am, we pulled over on rte 80 because one of the band buses was sideswiped by a trailer. Took out the driver's window and mirror, cracked the windshield, but other than that everyone was ok. Pics to follow. But big drama because now they have to have 11 people on one bus instead of 2. Well, sorry if I don't have alot of sympathy for that one, but I don't. Maybe it's because the crew bus has been full for the whole tour...

Scranton wasn't bad, except for the never ending rain. Other than that, nothing special, really. I'm kinda groggy from being in bed all day, so I'll continue this later...

Ok, so now I'm back. So here's a question that popped into my mind yesterday: Why is it, that when you get a fancy, $135/night hotel room, they give you the rough toilet paper? I mean, for the money spent on that hotel room, don't you think they'd have enough to give you the soft stuff? And there wasn't even a robe in the room either? What kind of hotels do they have here in Green Bay, anyways? This casino is so ghetto: it's only slot machines, the resturaunt had the worst service, and the entertainment last night was Nelson. Yeah, that Nelson. Vid (the production manager) thought that was hilarious, because Nelson opened for Cinderella when he was Cinderalla's PM in the late 80's. So after dinner I wandered through the casino, had a drink with Vid, and then hit the hot tub. It wasn't that hot (literally). The board in the pool area said it was 104 deg, but it felt more like 95. I was all alone, which was nice, until some fat broad and her husband showed up. So I went to the suana for a schvitz. After that, I poked my head into the sports bar in the hotel, where some really heinous Japanese torture ritual was being performed for all the patrons. After hearing the beginning of Summer Nights, I beat feet for my room and went to bed.

The gig is pretty easy, house lights in a tent, wow. We're having Gov't Mule shirt day instead of Hawaiian shirt Tuesday because managment made a big deal about someone wearing a Mule shirt the other day and told us that we're not allowed to wear Mule shirts on stage. And that's about that. Well, back to not working...

Almost forgot: saw this in the hotel this morning. Only in Wisconsin.
"Why a four-year-old child could understand this report.
Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it. "
Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)


What's up, gang? This is going to be a short one, cuz I just don't feel like writing right now. But Amanda pointed out to me that I haven't written in a while and I should, so here you go.

I haven't written in a while because I just don't feel like it. Don't got much to say. I'm kinda miserable right now, and I can't wait to be home. I don't really know why, except to say that there are certain people on this tour that have been here for way too long, and they seem to have forgotten why they do this. I'm not having fun right now, and that really sucks because my job is way too much work to not be fun.

That being said, Amanda and my Mom came out to the Garden State Arts Center show (note: NOT PNC Bank Arts Center. Those corporate jerks can take a hike for all I care) with Aunt Fran and Robert. It was fun to watch Rob backstage: his wide eyed excitement helped me remember why I do this in the first place. There's so many bitter and angry people around me every day; I often feel like the only reason many of them are here is money. And that really sucks. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who are here because they love what they do, and we have a good time, but it seems like the small percentage of anger and bitterness ruins that. And it's making me miserable. I don't know if I could do this for 3 months. But I digress...

Having Rob at the show was a really good time. I enjoyed watching him; he was so INTO the show... it's a great memory that I'll keep for a long time.

The rest of the tour has been pretty uneventful: NC had a pretty slow crew until we got to Atlanta, where I swear we built the rig 3 times. Every time I turned around it was like I had to stop the hand from doing what he was doing and explain it again. New Hampshire: NH has to be the only place I've been so far that I like less than Detroit. I've only been there twice, but both experiences have been dreadful. It truly is hell with trees. And now we're in Boston. It's actually not going too badly today: a couple of gremlins early on, but I hope we have them worked out. (great, I just jinxed it). Tomorrow is Scranton, Pa, then a big long bus ride to Green Bay. I can't wait.

Ok, so this short little post has now gone on longer than expected. I'm going to go take a nap now. Reese's Pieces.

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)


Hey kids, just a quickie today, couple of pics:

From the Longhorn Steakhouse in Parsippany NJ: don't eat the prime rib. Just don't.

Atlantic City, NJ: Bare Feet Hoes. Wow. What a great store.

I bet this isn't nearly as funny at 3am...

And now, a little something from my favorite TV show:

"Pain or damage don't end the world. Or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when you're dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man... and give some back."
Al Swearengen


So, for some unkown reason, my blog refuses to update. There was another link supposed to be in the last post, and it's not showing up, so I'll try again: the missing link. I was explaining that if you really want to read a good blog, you should check this one out. Or maybe this one, if that's more your speed.

Anyway, here I am at The Town Hall in NYC waiting for Boz Scaggs to do his thing. The locals here couldn't believe it when I opened the truck and there was no truss, just 8 moving lights and some pipes. We had it all built by 10 am and have been sitting around staring at each other for the last 9 hours. Only 3 more to go...

So I had something to rant about this morning as I was entering the Lincoln Tunnel, but I can't remember what it was. Must have been that good. Saw this on my way into the tunnel, tho, don't think I would use this company...

Got a call from my man Dan Dekowsky in MD this afternoon: he's getting married on 9/7/07. That's great for him, I'm happy, but that means I have 2 weddings to go to that weekend! Gonna be a long weekend, 'specially since it's in the middle of Fashion Week! Fortunately, I only have to be best man at one...

Well, I guess that's all. And now for someone else's words:

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish."
Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC)


So, it's been pointed out to me that my blog sucks. My father and brother decided to break the news to me in the bar Wednesday night. Well, guess what: I don't write the blog FOR YOU! I write the blog so that I can vent and not break things. If you want to read a good blog, go here. So there. That being said:

Here's a little something for you all to enjoy while I sit in Tom Ridge Field in Erie Pa. Why they would name an airport after THAT tool, I don't know, but they did, so here I am. Anyways, here's some fun pics of signs that I've run across over the past year. Enjoy!

Ft. Lauderdale, Fl: Glad I was on the 2nd floor...

This was on the bottom of a Heinekin shaped bottle opener. I'm not sure what an eating prohibiter is, but it doesn't sound good.

Nice shot, Stevie.

Niagara Falls, ON.: This sign was found on the whale tank. Only a couple thousand gallons there...

Cincinnati, Oh.: Black clothing really doesn't operate much of anything.

Here it is:

You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910),


I just wanna say this: to all you jerks with your jihad and whatnot, keep it to yourself, ok? I mean if you want to blow your own stupid self up, go right ahead. Just don't try to take the rest of the world with you. And stop messing up the damn airports! F! And why doesn't this thing correct itself? Stupid people.


OK, kids, so for all of you out there who are no longer reading, I'll continue on:

I know I haven't posted in two months, and I know I promised ABB pics, but see, here's the thing: Technology is a bitch mistress. See, after spending about $500 on upgrading my Dell laptop, I got to the second day of the Brothers' tour and promptly blew it the f up. Not on purpose, mind you, but these things happen, and they seemed to happen to me a great deal during the months of June and July. So between that, the great desktop debacle (kudos to eMachines for getting the damn thing fixed after only 4 months and 3 tries) and just being busier than a monkey in a banana factory (what?), I haven't really had the time to sit down and grace you all with my incoherent rants.

So let's get into it, shall we?

Rant #1: Mel Gibson. Who cares. If you haven't figured out that he's a religious fanatic after this one, then maybe you should pull your head out of the sand and look around before you vote this November, hmm? You know it's gone on too long when B-list celebs who haven't made a pic in almost 5 years worth discussing are coming out "in support of Mel." Well, boo-dee-freakin-hoo. I don't care.

Which brings me to rant #2: the Media. While you jerks are sitting around wondering what anti-Semitic comment Mel's gonna spew out next, PEOPLE ARE DYING! World War 3 is breaking out in the middle east, and the MSNBC and CNN are more worried about pipelines in Alaska and whether or not the winner of the tour de France is on steroids. Not that this is being completely ignored, but I have to wonder what the majority of the country is paying attention to. Oh, right, it's August: football is starting. Nevermind.

Rant #3: This is more of a work related rant, so for those of you who don't care, play with this. For the rest of you, here's a little something about other people's property: DON'T TREAT IT LIKE GARBAGE!!! You wouldn't like it if someone else treated your stuff like $h!t, so don't to it to other people's! If you borrow something, bring it back in the same condition! If you need something, ASK! And most of all, DO NOT put my workbox in the truck WITHOUT A [gosh darn] STRAP! F***! When I come into the shop on Monday and find my box on it's side in the back of the truck, that makes me a little tiny itty bitty bit homicidal. I mean, there's expensive, breakable $h!t in there! That's my LIVELIHOOD. I'd appreciate it if I could get that stuff back in one piece, thanks.

Ok, so now that I've had my breakfast, let's get back to the insanity...

Rant #4: Some of you have already heard this one, but I'll say it again anyway: what is the point of paying more than $60 to see a concert if the only part of the live show you can see is the video screen that they put up 500 ft from the stage? Are people's lives so boring and incomplete that they feel that watching a video feed from the stage is the same thing as being at a concert? Buy the f'n DVD. Save yourself $30. Tho I really shouldn't complain about this, after all, these morons are funding my paycheck. So prattle on, you insignificant Abercrombie and Fitch wearing preppie wannabe's, and stay out on the lawn with your smelly frat-boy a$$. But keep paying $7 for that Heineken. They don't call 'em Heinies for nothin!

Well, I guess that's all the ranting I can stand for now. I really don't know how you people put up with it, but then again, I really don't think anyone reads this thing ANYWAY (except the NSA, but that's another rant entirely), so there you go. Here's your quote:

"Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. "

C. V. R. Thompson