OK, kids, so for all of you out there who are no longer reading, I'll continue on:
I know I haven't posted in two months, and I know I promised
ABB pics, but see, here's the thing: Technology is a bitch mistress. See, after spending about $500 on upgrading my Dell laptop, I got to the second day of the Brothers' tour and promptly blew it the f up. Not on purpose, mind you, but these things happen, and they seemed to happen to me a great deal during the months of June and July. So between that, the great desktop debacle (kudos to eMachines for getting the damn thing fixed after only 4 months and 3 tries) and just being busier than a monkey in a banana factory (what?), I haven't really had the time to sit down and grace you all with my incoherent rants.
So let's get into it, shall we?
Rant #1: Mel Gibson. Who cares. If you haven't figured out that he's a religious fanatic after
this one, then maybe you should pull your head out of the sand and look around before you vote this November, hmm? You know it's gone on too long when
B-list celebs who haven't made a pic in almost 5 years worth discussing are coming out "in support of Mel." Well, boo-dee-freakin-hoo. I don't care.
Which brings me to rant #2: the Media. While you jerks are sitting around wondering what anti-Semitic comment Mel's gonna spew out next, PEOPLE ARE DYING! World War 3 is breaking out in the middle east, and the
CNN are more worried about pipelines in Alaska and whether or not the winner of the tour de France is on steroids. Not that this is being completely ignored, but I have to wonder what the majority of the country is paying attention to. Oh, right, it's August:
football is starting. Nevermind.
Rant #3: This is more of a work related rant, so for those of you who don't care, play with
this. For the rest of you, here's a little something about other people's property: DON'T TREAT IT LIKE GARBAGE!!! You wouldn't like it if someone else treated your stuff like $h!t, so don't to it to other people's! If you borrow something, bring it back in the same condition! If you need something, ASK! And most of all, DO NOT put my workbox in the truck WITHOUT A
[gosh darn] STRAP! F***! When I come into the shop on Monday and find my box on it's side in the back of the truck, that makes me a little tiny itty bitty bit homicidal. I mean, there's expensive, breakable $h!t in there! That's my LIVELIHOOD. I'd appreciate it if I could get that stuff back in one piece, thanks.
Ok, so now that I've had my breakfast, let's get back to the insanity...
Rant #4: Some of you have already heard this one, but I'll say it again anyway: what is the point of paying more than $60 to see a concert if the only part of the live show you can see is the video screen that they put up 500 ft from the stage? Are people's lives so boring and incomplete that they feel that watching a video feed from the stage is the same thing as being at a concert? Buy the f'n
DVD. Save yourself $30. Tho I really shouldn't complain about this, after all, these morons are funding my paycheck. So prattle on, you insignificant
Abercrombie and Fitch wearing preppie wannabe's, and stay out on the lawn with your smelly
frat-boy a$$. But keep paying $7 for that
Heineken. They don't call 'em Heinies for nothin!
Well, I guess that's all the ranting I can stand for now. I really don't know how you people put up with it, but then again, I really don't think anyone reads this thing ANYWAY (except the NSA, but that's another rant entirely), so there you go. Here's your quote:
"Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. "
C. V. R. Thompson