
OK, kids, so for all of you out there who are no longer reading, I'll continue on:

I know I haven't posted in two months, and I know I promised ABB pics, but see, here's the thing: Technology is a bitch mistress. See, after spending about $500 on upgrading my Dell laptop, I got to the second day of the Brothers' tour and promptly blew it the f up. Not on purpose, mind you, but these things happen, and they seemed to happen to me a great deal during the months of June and July. So between that, the great desktop debacle (kudos to eMachines for getting the damn thing fixed after only 4 months and 3 tries) and just being busier than a monkey in a banana factory (what?), I haven't really had the time to sit down and grace you all with my incoherent rants.

So let's get into it, shall we?

Rant #1: Mel Gibson. Who cares. If you haven't figured out that he's a religious fanatic after this one, then maybe you should pull your head out of the sand and look around before you vote this November, hmm? You know it's gone on too long when B-list celebs who haven't made a pic in almost 5 years worth discussing are coming out "in support of Mel." Well, boo-dee-freakin-hoo. I don't care.

Which brings me to rant #2: the Media. While you jerks are sitting around wondering what anti-Semitic comment Mel's gonna spew out next, PEOPLE ARE DYING! World War 3 is breaking out in the middle east, and the MSNBC and CNN are more worried about pipelines in Alaska and whether or not the winner of the tour de France is on steroids. Not that this is being completely ignored, but I have to wonder what the majority of the country is paying attention to. Oh, right, it's August: football is starting. Nevermind.

Rant #3: This is more of a work related rant, so for those of you who don't care, play with this. For the rest of you, here's a little something about other people's property: DON'T TREAT IT LIKE GARBAGE!!! You wouldn't like it if someone else treated your stuff like $h!t, so don't to it to other people's! If you borrow something, bring it back in the same condition! If you need something, ASK! And most of all, DO NOT put my workbox in the truck WITHOUT A [gosh darn] STRAP! F***! When I come into the shop on Monday and find my box on it's side in the back of the truck, that makes me a little tiny itty bitty bit homicidal. I mean, there's expensive, breakable $h!t in there! That's my LIVELIHOOD. I'd appreciate it if I could get that stuff back in one piece, thanks.

Ok, so now that I've had my breakfast, let's get back to the insanity...

Rant #4: Some of you have already heard this one, but I'll say it again anyway: what is the point of paying more than $60 to see a concert if the only part of the live show you can see is the video screen that they put up 500 ft from the stage? Are people's lives so boring and incomplete that they feel that watching a video feed from the stage is the same thing as being at a concert? Buy the f'n DVD. Save yourself $30. Tho I really shouldn't complain about this, after all, these morons are funding my paycheck. So prattle on, you insignificant Abercrombie and Fitch wearing preppie wannabe's, and stay out on the lawn with your smelly frat-boy a$$. But keep paying $7 for that Heineken. They don't call 'em Heinies for nothin!

Well, I guess that's all the ranting I can stand for now. I really don't know how you people put up with it, but then again, I really don't think anyone reads this thing ANYWAY (except the NSA, but that's another rant entirely), so there you go. Here's your quote:

"Washington is the only place where sound travels faster than light. "

C. V. R. Thompson


Anonymous said...

Okay...I know this is in response to the DMB show. Believe me, even as someone who's been to the shows, I understand how totally f**ked in the head DMB fans are. Below is a myspace blog I wrote about a week ago...

As all of you know, I like DMB. I've seen them a few times, and I find their shows entertaining and just a downright good time. So last night, after taking a three week break, the band came back to play in Hartford. As always, I read the reviews. Below are just a few excerpts of things I read...

- very disappointing show IMO. I had heard every single song this summer with the exception of STDH (Sleep to Dream Her)
- sounded great but the band didn't move around much (100 degree weather)
- not a bad show. was hoping for a better encore though (Everyday & Stay..two radio singles)
- After 20 days off the energy was a little more mellow than usual. (because usually after 20 days, an orgy must take place on stage)

And then this one to top it off...
- Out of the 52 shows I..'ve been to, this is by far the worst show I..'ve been to..terrible setlist...

So this leads to my point....why the fuck are you going to pay (in some cases) several hundred dollars for tickets when all you're going to do is complain about how little the band moved in 100 degree heat or how the setlist didn't quite meet your expectations. Pardon the cliche, but there are people in this country who are starving, poor, barely able to survive, and yet you're complaining because they didn't play craptacular songs like Crash Into Me or the Space Between? Or is it you were too drunk and/or stoned to remember that the band happily played almost 3 hours of music for your selfish ears? I've been in the seats when drunk people have passed out on me an hour before the show begins!

Now granted, I can see how some people go to a show with expectations, and when expectations don't get met, you'll get disappointed. But come on....every show is different! I have never ever ever seen so many fans complain about a band as much as these guys. Most fans are too wasted to realize the band has over 200 active songs, and all of them are good. So if you don't get the song you lost your virginity to, then either sue the band or get over it! And if you're not happy, then stop wasting your money going!!!

Give it to me because I could spend it better =)

Dell Customer Advocate said...

I’m with Dell in Austin, Texas and just came across the post about your laptop. I wanted find out whether the issue been has been resolved, and if not, offer any assistance I can. When replying please include my name, the service tag of the system, and best way to contact you.

Round Rock REC