
What's up, gang? This is going to be a short one, cuz I just don't feel like writing right now. But Amanda pointed out to me that I haven't written in a while and I should, so here you go.

I haven't written in a while because I just don't feel like it. Don't got much to say. I'm kinda miserable right now, and I can't wait to be home. I don't really know why, except to say that there are certain people on this tour that have been here for way too long, and they seem to have forgotten why they do this. I'm not having fun right now, and that really sucks because my job is way too much work to not be fun.

That being said, Amanda and my Mom came out to the Garden State Arts Center show (note: NOT PNC Bank Arts Center. Those corporate jerks can take a hike for all I care) with Aunt Fran and Robert. It was fun to watch Rob backstage: his wide eyed excitement helped me remember why I do this in the first place. There's so many bitter and angry people around me every day; I often feel like the only reason many of them are here is money. And that really sucks. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people who are here because they love what they do, and we have a good time, but it seems like the small percentage of anger and bitterness ruins that. And it's making me miserable. I don't know if I could do this for 3 months. But I digress...

Having Rob at the show was a really good time. I enjoyed watching him; he was so INTO the show... it's a great memory that I'll keep for a long time.

The rest of the tour has been pretty uneventful: NC had a pretty slow crew until we got to Atlanta, where I swear we built the rig 3 times. Every time I turned around it was like I had to stop the hand from doing what he was doing and explain it again. New Hampshire: NH has to be the only place I've been so far that I like less than Detroit. I've only been there twice, but both experiences have been dreadful. It truly is hell with trees. And now we're in Boston. It's actually not going too badly today: a couple of gremlins early on, but I hope we have them worked out. (great, I just jinxed it). Tomorrow is Scranton, Pa, then a big long bus ride to Green Bay. I can't wait.

Ok, so this short little post has now gone on longer than expected. I'm going to go take a nap now. Reese's Pieces.

Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water bath is to the body.
Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809 - 1894)

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