
So I have a couple of talking points to make today, a few things that are on my mind and have my attention as I sit here with over an hour to go before today's fashion show (brought to you by Tab Energy. Tab Energy, because the only thing that gives you more energy with fewer calories is crystal meth!) Well, let's get started, shall we:

1. Brad Pitt. That sonofabitch. Stole my damn idea. Which I stole from Joe, but that's beside the point. I was all about not getting married until gays can, which is a fantastic political statement and a great excuse to not ever get married (because let's face it: necrophiles will be be able to get married before homos, as long as they want to marry a cadaver of the opposite sex). But no. That jerk had to go and steal my idea and hold a press conference to boot. I guess I'll have to go and get married now, just to be different. And screw you, Brad Pitt! I don't think you're all that gutsy to be taking my idea. Nyah!

2. I just finished watching The Royal Tenenbaums, and I have to say that it gets better every time I watch it. It's just such a well written movie, and the cinematography and editing really accentuate that. It occurred to me, as I was watching, that Ben Stiller really is a good actor. My next thought was "Why doesn't he make more good movies like this one?" I guess there's more money in the stupid comedy he keeps making over and over again; especially since every stoner high school and college student seems to forget that they've already seen it and pays to see it again. But it is a shame that such a talented actor keeps making crappy movies. I think we need an intervention. Ben, listen, you've got an agent. I'm sure he can find better scripts. Hold out for them. Please.

3. Last night, we went to this comedy club in the Village. Wow. I mean, WOW. It was BAD. Really, really, really BAD. I don't normally feel sorry for performers on stage, because they've volunteered for it, but I felt sorry for some of these cats. I mean, they were just not funny. At all. Except for the last guy, a dude named Chris Iacono. He was hilarious. He made it worth the cover charge and other comedians. So keep an ear out for this guy, and go check him out if you get the chance. Just don't get to the club before 10:30, or you have to listen to all the crappy comics.

4. Last and not least, today is the 5th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. For those of you who were living under a rock and missed that, welcome back. It's kind of weird to be in the city today, and I'm not sure why. I just feel like everything should shut down and stop; like business as usual today is wrong. I don't know. I mean, there were cermonies and memorials and photo ops for the politicians; but it all feels so hollow to me, so fake. I think if we want to create a fitting memorial to the dead, we need find the cause of the attacks and fix the root problem. Dropping bombs and killing more people may feel right in the short term, but it won't stop these attacks from happening. All it really does is make the point for people like Osama Bin Laden that the US is evil and uncaring and so flying a plane into a crowded office building is righteous. But whatever. Nobody's listening that hasn't heard this 1000 times. It won't change the status quo, it won't stop our political leaders from killing thousands of Americans and thousands more innocent civilians. The revolution is dead. Much like the baby of the teenage girl that gave birth at her prom and then requested "Unfogiven" from the DJ, it died in the garbage can; discarded, forgotten, ignored, and never given a chance to live.

Well, there you go. Sorry to end on such a depressing note, but that's just where I am now. I never promised you it would be good, I just said it would be.

"Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you walk into an open sewer and die."
Mel Brooks (1926 - )


Anonymous said...

Did I see Royal Tennenbaums with you when it came out or watch it on DVD? It is one of my favorites from last 5 years. It holds up very well. So does Gattica, that movie is down right visually stunning, watch it again if its been awhile.

Mikey B said...

Yeah, Gattaca was cool. I think I will watch that again...