
Good morning, kids. Hope you all remembered to set your clocks ahead today. Good, now we can get on with the silliness.

Popped on to Google News (now out of beta!) to find this little gem: Native American trackers to hunt bin Laden. All I really want to know is: WHY WEREN'T THEY SENT IN 5 YEARS AGO!!!! Sorry to raise my voice, but if this man is supposedly the number one priority for our government, then why has it taken so long and so many lives to send in the best trackers that we have? Could it maybe be that the government doesn't really want to find bin Laden? Could it be because the longer he is on the loose, the longer they can justify spending on ridiculous military programs? Could it be that Osama will be magically "found" somewhere around October of 2008, just in time for the Republicans to look REALLY good for the election? Or maybe in December 2008, as a final coup de gras to the Shrub administration? Can I add any more questions to this paragraph? Who wants to know?

Ok, now that THAT's out of the way, on to lighter fare: this week marked the re-opening of the Gramercy Theatre in NYC. The first night featured three bands: Beat the Devil, Monsters are Waiting, and stellastarr*. All three are "indie" bands (even tho stellastarr* has a record contract with RCA) and from Brooklyn. Beat the Devil and Monsters are Waiting were surprisingly good, in their own way. BTD was three people: a drummer, a bass/keyboard/bass drummer, and a female vocalist with a growl and harmonium. Very interesting, and when they put it all together, quite good. MAW wasn't bad either, very trippy and electronic, with a kind of pop/techno sound. More pop than techno. stellastarr* also played well, with a few catchy tunes, but I found them to be rather derivative: they were trying very hard to be an 80's band without being an 80's band. Think The Cure. Ah well.

So that show went well, and then Thursday was Charlie Louvin, with Laura Cantrell. We went from goth/electronica to classic country. We got both kinds a music here! Charlie Louvin is one half of the fabled country duo the Louvin Brothers, and at 79 years old, he puts on a good show. He's quick, lots of one liners between songs, and his voice is strong. He put together a fantastic band and gave the people a wonderful show.

Friday night we had a group of Liverpudlians (not to be confused with Lillipudlians) calling themselves Clinic. Their gimmick is that they wear surgical masks and scrubs on stage, while playing a kind of punk/pop that can only be described as repetitive. While they have a fairly unique sound and I did like one or two of the songs, hearing them over and over for 1 1/2 hours was a little tedious. But I digress. The band that opened for them was called Holy F*** (without the ***). While that wasn't my first reaction (it was more like "What the f***?), and it wasn't my final analysis, it wasn't terrible. They certainly had fun playing. And I did too, believe it or not. Their brand of electronic punk is perfect for lighting: go nuts, push every button and see what happens. Woo Hoo! Here's some pics from Friday:

Holy F***


Well, that's about all for now. Keep your noses clean and don't forget to brush!

"Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river."
Nikita Khrushchev (1894 - 1971)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Fuck are really effin good.