
Hey gang, just a shortie before work today. A few observations:

1. Just who does Tom DeLay think he is? Now, many of you know, I try not to watch TV news shows because they make me angry and I start yelling at the TV. But I happened to catch part of Meet the Press with Tim Russert yesterday, and Mr. DeLay was talking about the Iraq war when he said this:

"FMR. REP. DeLAY: Well, I--it, it is my opinion that when you go to war, we ought to all come together. You can debate going to war, that's a legitimate debate. But once you have our soldiers and our, our young people dying on the battlefield, we should come together, and we shouldn't have what we had yesterday on the Mall of, of, of--in Washington, D.C. When the--those are not, in my mind--my opinion, patriots that are talking about impeaching the commander in chief, that are--that are--work as, as Tom's group works....

MR. RUSSERT: But setting a date for--is setting a date for withdrawal...

FMR. REP. DeLAY: ...every step of the day, undermine--I think it's aiding and abetting the enemy. When you tell the enemy what your strategy is, that's aiding and abetting the enemy because they can use that strategy to come back and harm your soldiers."

Can someone please inform Mr. DeLay that these "not patriots" are in fact using the very freedom of speech that he sent soldiers to Iraq to supposedly defend? And, if we look at history (like his debate opponent here, Rep. Joe Sestak (D-PA)) , you'll see that when, in the past, we've set deadlines for withdrawal, they tend to work in favor of our troops. Like in Vietnam. And Kosovo. And Somalia. When it's time to go, it's time to go. And calling for that publicly is not a terrorist act, Tom. It's your duty as an American citizen. You stupid douche.

2. I don't know how many of you have heard about this one, but apparently some kid in Alaska decided it would be a good idea to put up a banner that said "Bong Hits for Jesus" at a rally when the Olympic torch passed through in 2002. His high school principal did not agree, and the case has finally reached the Supreme Court. Now, this is an important free speech issue and all, but I'd just like to say this: maybe some bong hits would be a good thing for Jesus and all his pals. Those people REALLY need to loosen up.

3. For those of you out there with "March Madness" and "Bracket Fever" and whatnot, this is just a reminder: there is a "rest of the world" and we don't care. Just a little something to keep in mind.

4. I don't know how many of you read the comics, but Non Sequitur has run a hilariously funny set of comics last week dealing with the media. You can check them out starting here: http://www.gocomics.com/nonsequitur/2007/03/13/.

5. I just found out that if you search Google for "backwards k," my blog is the number 4 entry! Tell all your friends, and let's see if we can get number 1!

And finally, a word from out sponsor:

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously."

Hubert H. Humphrey (1911 - 1978)

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