
Hi gang. Sorry to be away for so long, but things have been busy. Let's see, a quick recap of what's happened since Easter:

Six nights with Henry Rollins, Janeane Garafalo, and Mark Maron at the Gramercy. Henry did his "spoken word" which is basically an hour of him ranting on stage. It was most entertaining, and rather educational. I highly recommend it. Mark Maron was also quite funny, and I recommend seeing his show as well.

Then came two weeks of Guster. Awesome. First was two nights at the Beacon theatre in NYC. The crowds were huge, the shows were awesome, and they even got Two Points for Honesty dead on. Sweet. Next week, at the Opera house in Boston, was even better. I must say this: you've never seen a Guster show until you've seen a Guster show in Boston. Unbelievable. Although I was a little scared when the whole crowd began chanting "Let's Go Red Sawks!" in the middle of Empire State. (The Sawks were playing the Yankees that weekend, and more than once did the Yankee haters let fly.) But the haters didn't get this playa down, oh no. We went to karaoke night after the first show, it was quite interesting. The crew sang Careful, together, at the same time, mostly. Someone pointed out afterwards that it was funny the way we all had to read the words off the TV, like we hadn't heard the song 4,000 times before. Then there was the Boston Anime convention going on at the mall across the street from our hotel. Some people have WAY too much time on their hands. The costumes we saw were not only intricate and fanciful, but could only be described like this: supergeek. Overall, however, it was a great time and can't wait to do it again. For more, and for the "Bob Saget" story, look here.

After that, I spent most of my time prepping for the Robin Hood foundation's annual fundraiser/circus at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Now, faithful readers (both of you) know how much I enjoy the JKJCC, with it's IBEW hands and Teamsters who move at the speed of slow. That's why you schedule a 4 day load in for a 3 hour dinner/show. Our main objective was to light the stage for Aerosmith's headline performance. Simple, right? Well, it actually was. The stage went up, the lights went on, and all of them ACTUALLY WORKED! What a concept. Then came the wrinkle. See, we had to put up exit signs all around the building because we put of drapery in front of the exits. Well, this sounds easy, but in fact, is something akin to rocket surgery, because it took 2 DAYS to hang 16 signs. OMFG! Well, that's enough of that. I'm just getting myself all worked up over nothing.

So now I'm in Daytona, for Amanda's brother's wedding. The wedding was Saturday night, and it was a blast. It was a pirate themed wedding, and most of us dressed up in costumes. I'll get some pictures to you as soon as I can get them off my camera. (which may not be til I get back home on Friday. Sorry) I'm going to go back to relaxing, and I'll get back with some photos soon... honest.

One last thing: I found this blog today, it's quite funny. It's called Steve Don't Eat It. And it's exactly what it sounds like. Don't read it while eating. Or soon after eating. Or before eating. Or while thinking about considering eating. Otherwise, enjoy!

"When I woke up this morning my girlfriend asked me, 'Did you sleep good?' I said 'No, I made a few mistakes.'"

Steven Wright (1955 - )

1 comment:

Flutterbot said...

Wow sounds like a very fun night!