
Well, here it is, as promised: photos of the pirate wedding. Enjoy!

Arr... that's me booty!

Short John Silver himself! And no, Jordan did not lose his leg.

Capt. Morgan showed up. Boy did he.

Cake by Chris, the bride's mother. Awesome.

The Groom and his fambily.

The whole weddin' party.

Will the real Groucho please stand up?

Capt. Jack Sparrow and his trusty first mate, Groucho.

And, finally, the captain's trusty vessel!

"Jack Sparrow: [With his back to Elizabeth, thinking that she is a man] Come to join my crew, son?
Elizabeth Swann: I'm here to find my true love.
Jack Sparrow: [Startled] Deeply flattered, boy, but my first and only love is the sea.
Elizabeth Swann: Meaning Will Turner, Jack.
Jack Sparrow: [Turning around] Elizabeth!
[to a crew member]
Jack Sparrow: Hide the rum."

-Pirates of the Carribean: Dead Man's Chest

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