
Wow. This is too good. Over at J&D's website (jdfoods.net) you can buy quite possibly one of the most offensive items of the holiday season: a menorah of bacon flavored salt. That's right goyim and mensches, you can have your own 8 days of bacony goodness, and it's Kosher, too! I'm not really sure how that works, but damn it's funny. And in case that's not enough bacon for you, you can also get the Baconnaise case. Ugh, I think I blocked an artery just typing that.

Forget that! Check this out! Holy Crap! Can it be May now?

"Never mind that shit! Here comes Mongo! "

Olson Johnson, Blazing Saddles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even Lindsay was excited about the movie after seeing that trailer.