
I just wanna say this: to all you jerks with your jihad and whatnot, keep it to yourself, ok? I mean if you want to blow your own stupid self up, go right ahead. Just don't try to take the rest of the world with you. And stop messing up the damn airports! F! And why doesn't this thing correct itself? Stupid people.


Anonymous said...

you should join myspace and rant and rave.

Mikey B said...

MySpace and Rupert Murdoch can lick my sweaty sack.

Anonymous said...

i'm not sure how your sweaty sack would feel about rupert murdoch licking it.

Mikey B said...

I dunno... Rupert (supposedly) has a forked tongue, so that might actually feel pretty good...

Anonymous said...

you know who else has a forked tongue? that man who thinks he is an actual lizard from ripley's believe it or not. can he lick your sweaty sack? cause that might actually be interesting.