
Well, here we are at the Marriott West in Denver, Co. We left O'Hare at 1 and arrived at the hotel at 4 local time, so not too bad, I guess. Except for the flight, which was the longest 2 hour flight EVER. First off, my seat back would not return to the "upright and locked position," so I kept leaning back. It was very uncomfortable. To say the least. Then there was the hoople-head behind me who didn't shut up the whole time (thank god for head phones). From the moment we got on the plane until the stewardess (sorry, flight attendant) gave us the ok to use our approved electronic devices, all I heard about was how his seat belt didn't fit and he needed an extender and that's never happened before and how could this happen now, he hasn't gained any weight, so how does this happen now? Maybe it's cuz your fat butt needs to stop watching the ball game now and then, get up off the couch and and maybe go DO something other than eat at the $6.95 buffet at the Golden Skillet. Maybe try Jenny Craig or something. SO, the airport sucked. We played the dead rock star game on the way to the hotel: basically, the idea is to keep naming dead rock stars until you can't think of any more. It's one of those games where you start off fast, but run into a block quickly... very interesting.

On the way to the hotel, we saw this sign:
Welcome to Colorado! Shouldn't that sign read: "Correctional Facility Do Not Stop." ?

Uncle DJ came to the show last night, which was really cool. He came early and we went to dinner, then met up with his neighbor, John, and his brother-in-law Ron (yeah, I know). They really enjoyed the show, which was great to hear. I was just happy to see Uncle D and hang out with him: it seems like I almost never get the chance.

Billy and I wandered around the Colorado Mills mall for about 3 hours today: it's a huge mall. It's not unlike the one that Fifi, Noel, Dietz and I did the opening for last September. Same developer. But it was good that I went, because I finally got the battery for my phone replaced. I dropped it in a puddle a few months ago, and since then the battery dies after about 10 minutes of talking, even if I just took it off the charger. So I got the new one, we'll see how it works. The coolest part, however, is that they had a custom T-shirt shop there. So I finally bought the shirt that I've been talking about for a few years now: I know, hold back your excitement... here it comes...

Yeah, I know. You can't help but feel awed by the coolness of knowing yours truly. It's ok. I might even let you touch it the next time you see me...

"To predict the behavior of ordinary people in advance, you only have to assume that they will always try to escape a disagreeable situation with the smallest possible expenditure of intelligence."
Friedrich Nietzsche (1844 - 1900)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice shirt, dork.

Love, The Goddess