
So, I don't know how many of you enjoyed my random thought for the day, because apparently no one cares. But that's OK: it was a random thought.

Here's a not-so-random thought: while reading the news today, I noticed this little gem in the San Fransisco (not Frisco, never Frisco, they hate that) Chronicle: Bush Warns Dems to Take Offer in Firings. Now, I don't know about you, faithful reader that you are, but this article reminds me of another President, one who had a hostile Congress of the opposite party calling for his impeachment, albeit on a slightly more trivial matter. Gee, just who could that be? Oh, right, him. More on that here. And, I just want to say this: it may make me a bad American for never having seen his Presidential portrait before, but damn if that isn't the gayest looking Presidential portrait I've ever seen. I mean, why couldn't he just have Monica painted in there, in just the right position. Then it would be the coolest Presidential portrait ever.

And just look at the first paragraph of that bio. Here, I'll link to it again. Hard to believe, isn't it?

Anyway, getting back to Pres. Shrub, I just want to use this quote:

Bush said he would aggressively fight in court any attempt to subpoena White House aides.

"If the staff of a president operated in constant fear of being hauled before various committees to discuss internal deliberations, the president would not receive candid advice and the American people would be ill-served," he [Pres. Bush] said. "I'm sorry the situation has gotten to where it's got, but that's Washington, D.C., for you. You know there's a lot of politics in this town."

Two things bother me here. 1. The fact that Bush uses the same argument to cover up his reasons for firing federal prosecutors that disagreed with him as Clinton used to try to keep his staff from testifying about Monica. Where's the outrage, people? When ol' Bill used this tactic, the pundit-sphere (yeah, that's right.) went crazy-nuts. Yet why isn't anyone losing their mind over this?

2. Bush says "there's a lot of politics in this town." like it's a friggin' revelation or something! Come ON! Politics?!? In Washington D.C.? No, I can't believe it. a nflkjas7feingu.!

Ok, that's enough of THAT. Look! Kittens!


So, I know I promised a rant about Ann Coulter and what a C-Word she is, but I'm thinking it's better to take this approach: ignore it, and it'll go away. At least, that's what I'm hoping this self-hating closet lesbian will do. Oh, did I say that out loud?

"If there is no God, who pops up the next Kleenex?"

Art Hoppe


Anonymous said...

I am going to run for Congressman and represent good ole' Wisconsin. When the shit hits the fan when I realize I may not be as qualified as I thought I can just say.....

"Its Wisconsin, hell, there is a lot of cheese in this town."

It will be seen as a revelation and all will be well. Then I shall run for President.

Anonymous said...

I think we should start a petition so that you could appear on Bill Maher's show.

Anonymous said...

Well said.