
And so here I am at The World Famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem NY (I'm actually required to call it that; some weird contractual obligation) working Sing, Harlem, Sing. So much for taking it easy for a few days and healing...

Actually, it's not all that bad. I got a call last night at 8:30; apparently they needed someone to push some buttons. I can deal with that. The only thing is that I don't really know the console that the designer requested. Apparently, he doesn't either. At least, not well enough to patch it. He's programmed the rest of the show; all I had to do was patch the lights. That, I can handle. The only real catch is that the whole crew is Japanese, and my Japanese is rusty at best (ok, it's actually non-existent, but who's counting?) SO trying to figure out what the LD wants through a translator has been a fun time, but everything's working now (at least, the lights. Video, that's another story. A NMP story.) And that's that.

It's nice to be home again, at least for now. I'll probably be stressed out and hating it by next week, but I'm glad to be sleeping in my own bed and able to take a hot shower and things like that. Oh, and seeing Amanda every day is a good thing too. So that's bout it. I don't really know what's coming up next week, and I don't really care right now. So, from The World Famous Apollo Theatre in Harlem, NY, Good Night!

The Band? The BAND!

"We have so much time and so little to do. Strike that, reverse it."
Roald Dahl (1916 - 1990)

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