
Well! I know you've all been waiting with baited breath for my next blog entry, and HERE IT IS! Aren't you lucky! Now, on with the boredom!

Back on the road again with Interpol. We had a 10 day break, and started up again in Kansas City, where Senior Murphy was waiting for me, with all his laws. There's an old joke in theatre: why don't they give stage managers a lunch break? Because it's too hard to re-train them. Well, I think my gear must know this joke, because after 10 days, none of it wanted to work. I think I've spent the last three days running around fixing things and trying to get the show to run properly. Other than a slight projector malfunction (read: some jerk kicked the plug out), things have mostly worked.

Chicago was a good time. The Aragon ballroom. Good stage hands. Lotsa room. Interesting fact: it was one of the last places that both Buddy Holly and Kurt Cobain performed. Makes you wonder.

Minneapolis: nice town. Didn't really get to see much of it, since I spent the whole day trying to make the projector work, but the block between the bus and the stage door was nice. All I can say is this: screw you Murphy, and your damn law.

So now we're driving from Minneapolis to Denver, it's hour 13 of the 14 hour drive, and we're watching Grumpy Old Men. Burgess Meredith is so damn funny in this movie. Don't get me wrong, Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau redoing the Odd Couple shtick is great, but Burgess Meredith just out funnies the both of them. We watched Dawn of the Dead (the original George Romero version) before: another classic. Blood, gore, death and destruction, all with a social message.

I have to refer you to this blog: My Year of Flops. Nathan Rabin, who is a film critic for The Onion, has been running this blog for most of the year, and it's hysterical. The entry about Batman & Robin is pure gold. The only thing better? The Catwoman entry! Check it out.

Ok, that's enough of this. Get back to work.

"I show up. I listen. I try to laugh."
Anna Quindlen

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