
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have an announcement to make:

I know what I want for Christmas this year. THIS.

It's ok. You can go in on it together.

In other news, let's discuss how sad this is: Lance Bass Says Britney's Poised for 'Comeback of All Time'.

That's right. Someone whose career is over commenting on someone whose career should be over, in the grand daddy of don't care. I mean, really? Lance Bass? What, was Justin Timberlake too busy? Were the New Kids on the Block not commenting on this one? How about Color Me Badd? I know Milli Vanilli is dead, so it's kinda hard to get their take on the whole thing, but couldn't you at least try? This is what's wrong with the press today. They no longer have any pride in their work. Harrumph.

"Sanity is a madness put to good use."
George Santayana (1863 - 1952)


Anonymous said...

Milli Vinilli is only HALF dead.

Mikey B said...

oh, I'm SO sorry I got that wrong. I guess I'm not the Milli Vanilli superfan you are...

Anonymous said...

Not quite, but I did watch almost every episode of VH1's Behind the Music for a couple of years. That is where my nugget of information came from :)